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Musée Paradoxe Barcelone

Embarquez pour un voyage palpitant au Musée du Paradoxe de Barcelone, où les limites de la réalité sont continuellement remises en question et les illusions prennent vie, offrant une expérience captivante et immersive. Plongez dans des expositions qui défient la perception conventionnelle et éveillent la curiosité.

Meilleure vente

Musée Paradoxe Barcelone : Billet coupe-file

1 heure 15 minutes
À partir de 18,00 €
Zero Gravity (by Paradox Museum)

Paradox Museum Barcelona FAQ

Welcome to the Paradox Museum Barcelona FAQ! Delve into the realm of optical illusions and mind-bending exhibits that defy logic and challenge perception.

How do I get to the Paradox Museum using public transportation?

To reach the Paradox Museum at 3 Plaça d'Urquinaona, 08010, Barcelona, you can take the metro Line 1 (L1) or Line 4 (L4) and disembark at the Urquinaona station. From there, the museum is just a short walk away.

Is the Paradox museum in Barcelona wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the Paradox Museum in Barcelona is wheelchair accessible. The museum is designed to accommodate visitors with mobility challenges, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the exhibits comfortably.

What are the main attractions of the Paradox Museum in Barcelona?

The Paradox Museum in Barcelona features a variety of mind-bending exhibits and optical illusions designed to challenge visitors' perceptions. From gravity-defying rooms to interactive installations, the museum offers an immersive experience that stimulates the senses and sparks curiosity. Visitors can explore surreal environments, engage with thought-provoking displays, and discover the fascinating world of paradoxes and optical illusions. Whether you're intrigued by visual puzzles or simply seeking a unique and entertaining experience, the Paradox Museum promises to captivate and inspire visitors of all ages.