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Galería Uffizi

La Galería Uffizi en Florencia es un tesoro de obras maestras renacentistas, que alberga piezas icónicas de artistas como Botticelli, Miguel Ángel y Leonardo da Vinci. Como uno de los museos de arte más antiguos y prestigiosos del mundo, ofrece un recorrido por la evolución del arte, desde la Edad Media hasta los tiempos modernos. Los visitantes pueden maravillarse con la exquisita arquitectura del histórico palacio de los Medici, que complementa perfectamente la increíble colección que alberga. Una visita a los Uffizi es una oportunidad inigualable para sumergirse en el rico patrimonio cultural de Italia.


Galería Uffizi: Entrada prioritaria

Desde 28,50 €
Galería Uffizi: Entrada prioritaria

FAQs about the Uffizi Gallery

How long does it take to tour the Uffizi Gallery?

Most visitors spend around 2-3 hours touring the Uffizi Gallery, but art enthusiasts might wish to dedicate more time. There are so many famous works of art to see, such as Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Michelangelo's works, so plan accordingly.

Is the Uffizi Gallery wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the Uffizi Gallery is wheelchair accessible. Elevators are available to help visitors move between floors, and there are facilities to accommodate those with mobility issues.

Is there a dress code for visiting the Uffizi Gallery?

While there is no strict dress code, it is recommended to dress respectfully, especially since Italy values modest attire in many cultural institutions.

Are guided tours available?

Yes, guided tours are available and highly recommended to fully appreciate the history and significance of the artworks. There are both official tours led by museum guides and private tours offered by licensed operators.

Can I visit other museums with the Uffizi ticket?

The Uffizi Gallery offers combined tickets with other museums like the Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens. These tickets allow you to explore multiple cultural landmarks within a certain time frame.