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Behind the Scenes at Fundació Joan Miró


A Symphony of Art Preservation

At Fundació Joan Miró, a dedicated team works tirelessly to preserve the rich legacy of Joan Miró's art. In the conservation studios, experts meticulously care for the collection, employing advanced techniques to ensure each piece remains as evocative as the day it was created.

Curatorial Choreography

Behind every exhibit lies the creative vision of curators who weave narratives that bring Miró's works to life. These professionals delve into the artist's vast repertoire, selecting and arranging pieces in thematic exhibitions that resonate with audiences, both new and familiar with Miró's oeuvre.

Educational Engagement

The foundation isn't just about displaying art; it's about creating a dialogue with it. Educational teams craft interactive programs and workshops, making Miró's abstract world accessible to all ages. From guided tours to artist-led sessions, these activities offer deeper insights into modern art's nuances.

Technological Integration

Embracing the digital age, the Fundació incorporates technology to enhance visitor experiences. Interactive screens, multimedia guides, and virtual reality tours invite guests to explore Miró's art in innovative and engaging ways.

Exploring behind the scenes at Fundació Joan Miró unveils the meticulous care and creative passion driving this iconic institution. It's a unique blend of preservation, presentation, and education, ensuring Miró's artistic legacy continues to inspire and captivate.